
If you feel surrounded by darkness, and that there is no light at the end of the tunnel, then I'm glad you found me here.

I can show you the light.

Because even though you can do this alone, you truly don't have to.


My name is Lisa Happ - and I'm a Certified Divorce, Grief Recovery and Life Coach.

I have been where you are. I woke up one morning in 2012 and realized my life needed to change; my marriage was no longer healthy for me or my children. I was overwhelmed at the thought of being a single parent, but I knew in the end that was what was the only way I could find peace. I got my own divorce team together, I worked on myself, and I didn’t look back. I have also experienced a terrible loss, and had to find my way in the world again after being rocked to my core.

These experiences changed me and what I wanted to share with the world. I had always enjoyed working with people as a therapist and in the pilates and wellness studio I owned. Now I wanted to go even deeper with my clients, and help them move from a place of survival to a place of fulfillment and thriving. I became a Certified Divorce Coach so I could be the person that I’d needed while I went through my own divorce. I am also a Certified Grief Recovery Method Specialist after finding incredible healing using their program after loss. We all deserve support when we’re struggling, and I know it is my calling to provide that for others. I have taken the lessons that I learned and created programs that help others stop the churning thoughts, find peace in the midst of chaos, and take action to move forward into the life they are meant to have.

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My business is my soul's purpose because of my own personal experience.

years experience coaching divorce
divorced / long term relationship ending clients
years experience coaching through grief
grief recovery clients
Professional Bio

Lisa Happ is a Certified Divorce, Grief Recovery, and Life Coach. She guides women in abusive, toxic and narcissist relationships through the divorce process. Lisa can help you clear the fog and emotional chaos you're experiencing by setting boundaries, finding your voice, and reclaiming your power. No matter where you're coming from, she's ready to help. Lisa has coached hundreds of people grieving a relationship or the death of a loved one for the past 7 years. She's a Certified Grief Recovery Method Coach, former mental health therapist, and former Pilates instructor. When she's not coaching clients, she enjoys spending time with her family in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

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