Divorce Concierge Coaching


Ending a marriage is devastating. The mechanics of divorce are complicated, and you don’t know what you don’t know about the process. Trying to manage the process on your own is daunting enough, and doing it all with children at home and/or a job that depends on you makes it even harder. You need a best friend to turn to when you are overwhelmed by it all. That’s me. As a Certified Divorce Coach who has worked with over 150 clients as they ended marriages and long-term relationships, I can help.

What I Do

I specialize in helping women navigate the business of getting divorced, while simultaneously supporting them through the emotional upheaval of the process, including recovery from toxic relationships and narcissistic abuse. I am your Divorce BFF. I will walk the path with you, through putting together your divorce team, talking with your family, and ultimately, helping you become a newer, stronger version of yourself. It is the ultimate sign of strength to ask for help. Let’s work together to move you through this phase and into a place of contentment, balance, and empowerment.

Putting together your divorce team: Attorneys, real estate agents, financial planners, and therapists - there are a lot of new realities to consider when you’re getting divorced. I have many contacts, and we will put together the right team of people to fit your needs.
Communication: Have a question about the process, but not sure if you really need to ask your attorney? Text or call me first, and we’ll figure out if it’s something we need to reach out to them about. We can also practice conversations together so you feel more prepared to talk to your kids, family, and soon-to-be ex-partner. I’ll even be there to help you respond to text messages and emails.
Personal growth: Coaching you through your divorce isn’t just about the legal process, it’s about helping you move forward into your new life. Let’s set goals and intentions, and work through areas where you have felt stuck before.

The Benefits of Working Together

  • Reduced stress and anxiety for you (and your kids)
  • Help preparing for attorney meetings - being organized can mean lower attorney fees
  • Preserve relationships with friends and family by coming to me for advice, support, and to vent
  • Decision-making support
  • Learn to set and hold boundaries

- I am here to help you create your team of divorce professionals, attorneys, real estate agents, and financial planners.

- I am here to support you on your path to creating your future and you get ready to begin the next part of your life.

- I am here to help you respond to emails and text messages from your Toxic Partner, family, and friends.

- I am here to guide you through the healing of your Toxic Relationship

Together we will find your way to empowerment, self-love, trust, peace, balance, and happiness!


If you’re getting divorced and your thoughts are spinning,


There is a light at the end of the tunnel, even though you may not see it yet.

My Divorce Story

I have stood where you are standing now. In 2012 I went thru a very exhausting, depleting and life-changing divorce. I knew for years something did not feel right in my marriage, I was unhappy, lost, and exhausted. I tried to convince myself it would all get better, I tried to convince myself I needed to stay in the marriage for my children, I was not sure how financially I could even get divorced…

I woke up one morning in 2012, and a string of recent events made me realize I had to get out of this marriage and this life. My husband at the time was not healthy in many ways. He was self-destructing and I had to save myself and my children from his self-destruction. I knew in my heart and soul I needed to find a way out and find a way out fast. I quickly became a full-time single mom with full custody of my children. I owned a growing business, and I was tired, overwhelmed, and exhausted. I kept moving, kept working, and kept single parenting because failure was not an option. I was all my kids had and I was determined to get us through this divorce as unscathed as possible. It was not easy at first, I was working a lot to provide for us, I was trying to figure out how to help my children and trying to figure out who I was and what the next part of my life would look like. On the day my divorce became final, I was so happy, I did it. I got my children and I out of a bad situation, I worked tirelessly but I had changed our lives for the better. I had grown my business and it was thriving and my children were doing well, and I was on my path to my new life.

Today I am grateful for this experience and all that I have learned along the way so I can use this experience and knowledge to help others find their way through their divorce and begin to thrive and find peace and happiness within themselves and their lives.

Lisa Happ, Certified Divorce Coach and Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist
Lisa Happ, Certified Divorce Coach and Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist

Allow me to introduce you to...

The Next Amazing Part of Your Life

"Lisa, thank you for walking through my divorce with me. Thank you for helping me get organized and prepared for attorney appointments, thank you for helping me build my team of professionals and thank you for saving me tons of money by being my thinking partner during the divorce process."

- Kendra
"Working with Lisa was the best investment I could have ever made in myself. She helped me rise. I was overwhelmed by how to begin the divorce process, how to feel, how to get through the emotions, the paperwork... and still go to work and be a great Dad to my children. Lisa helped me focus, find words for my emotions, and to see the light at the end of the tunnel. My children, my ex wife and myself all made it through the divorce. We are all happier, healthier and stronger than we ever were before. I give Lisa all the credit in the world for getting us there!"

- Aaron
"Lisa, you saved my life, you helped me get through so many very dark days! I have made it through the past year because of you. I am a better Mom because of your love, support and kindness. Thank you, for helping me clear the fog in my head and breathe again!"

- Lisa
"Lisa thank you for helping my Dad, thru his journey out of the cycles of substance abuse, my family and I are forever grateful, for you giving us our Dad back."

- Lance
"Lisa you walked beside me, you met me where I was at and then helped me dig myself out of the deep trenches of divorce. Your compassion, support and sense of humor got me through a very dark time in my life. I am forever grateful for you and all you have done for me."

- Michelle
"Lisa, thank you for asking the right questions, being my beacon of hope I have never felt so seen and so heard."

- K.M.
You know ½ the world experiences divorce…

Why do you feel like the only person you know going through it!?

Divorce Concierge Coaching is right for you if you're ready to...

want a professional's full attention, compassion and support to guide YOU through your divorce so you can feel empowered, confident and calm.

be able to be able to divorce and let go --- move on to your new life without feeling overwhelmed, confused or emotionally and financially depleted

thrive though your divorce without reading 1000 self help books, spending hours on the phone with family and friends trying to seek advice and without scrolling social media groups for answers to your divorce and life questions

save time, money and emotional energy on researching attorneys, financial planners, realtors

get a best friend on speed-dial that you can text or ask pressing questions and get in-the-moment support

exhale and find peace in the divorce process walking away from your divorce and into the next part of your life thriving and free!

Coaching Packages

Different people need different levels of support through their divorce. I want to help in the way that works best for you. We can choose your divorce team and organize paperwork so you stay on track. We can look at the questions you have for your attorney to see if you really need to reach out to them. I can answer a lot of questions that can help you save on attorney fees. I am here to help you set goals and intentions for your new life, and map out your path to get there. You set the goals and parameters for our sessions.

Package 1

Six Month Divorce Concierge Coaching

*Payment Plans Available*

Unlimited Coaching Sessions

Text and Email Support

Unlimited Phone Check-ins

Unlimited Brainspotting Sessions

Unlimited Somatic Healing Sessions

Toxic Relationship Recovery

Option to have me with you in court and at attorney meetings

Package 2

One Sixty-Minute Session


A single session is great for someone struggling with "should I stay or go," or as an introduction to a longer term coaching relationship.

Package 3

Three Sixty-Minute Sessions


The three session package works well for getting organized for a divorce, dealing with paperwork, finding professional services, and having the emotional support of a coach at your side.

Modalities I Use

Life Coaching and Divorce Coaching

Life coaching is the foundation for all of the work that I do. Whatever the reason that clients come to me - a divorce, leaving a toxic relationship, a teen in need - I operate from a place of compassion and empathy to help them navigate this moment. We’ll work together to identify challenges, cultivate self-awareness, and set goals for the future, all personalized to their individual situation.  This deep work empowers clients to overcome the reason they came to me in the first place, and find peace and fulfillment in their life.


Brainspotting is a therapeutic tool that has evolved out of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy, and uses the brain-body connection to heal unprocessed trauma, anxiety, and stress. By identifying and processing unresolved experiences, you can unlock the potential for lasting emotional and psychological growth. To read more about Brainspotting, click here.

Somatic Healing

We’ve all heard the phrase “the body keeps score.” Trauma and emotional upheaval are stored in our bodies, and change us in a physical way. Somatic healing engages the body through a wide variety of techniques like breathwork, Brainspotting, meditation, and movement to process trauma and stress,
allowing us to heal mentally and physically. To learn more about the benefits of somatic therapy, click here.

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