Grief Recovery

I know how it feels to feel bad for starting to feel good - so no matter where you're coming from, I'm ready to help.

What is Grief Recovery Coaching?

Grief is something you can recover from - and recovering from grief does not mean you let go of or forget the person you're grieving. It also doesn't mean you won't still miss that person. It means you're able to remove that heavy, sinking feeling with love and intention so you can start the next chapter of your life... even if you have no idea what that is yet.

Loss of pet

Loss of loved one

Loss of relationship

Major life change

A move

A diagnosis

Grief shapes who we are, weighs us down, and holds us back from doing things again.

That's exactly why it's important to get through it.

My Story

On January 8th, 2020. My world as I knew it stopped and my life changed forever. My son Caleb died. Caleb was 18 years old. He was a senior in high school. He was a kind, big-hearted person. He was always willing to help anyone and everyone who needed it. He loved his family, friends, fishing, and pizza. His favorite pastime in the world was annoying his little sister.
On the evening of 1/8/20, a Wednesday, I received the phone call every parent tries to never think about receiving but deep down always fears. Caleb was gone, he left for his after-school job that day around 3 pm, and I never saw him again, he never came home.
To say I struggled is an enormous understatement. I found there simply weren’t enough resources to help people find their way home and out of grief. I did not know what to do or where to turn or how to pull myself out of the dark place I was in.
I knew I had to make a choice. I needed to choose to live or let myself die, too. I chose to live for my daughter, and I knew intuitively and in my heart that this experience would help me heal others someday, so I choose to live and began to search for a way to heal.
I tried therapists, coaching, and every type of energy healing. Everything helped a little. Nothing helped a lot until I found the Grief Recovery Method. This approach, which is a core component of how I help my clients, blends together all my modalities as a coach, intuitive, and expert and removes that heavy sinking feeling around your grief.
After completing this program, I felt better. I was not the same person I was before Caleb died but I could feel I would be ok. I noticed when the sun was shining again and this program helped me let go of that horrible devastating feeling that carried in my heart - it instead allowed me to hold on to all the amazing parts of Caleb. I let him in more - and his memories came back to me too. I still have days that are very hard, emotions that truly tear out my heart, but I have many more good days than bad. When I do have one bad day, I know now how to allow the emotions in, and I know how to better cope with them.
Not a day goes by that I do not think about Caleb. The memories of his goofy smile or the silly things he used to do bring warmth to my heart. Healing will be lifelong, but I am living again and finally both inhale and exhale again.

You're allowed to breathe again.

"Lisa, thank you for walking through my divorce with me. Thank you for helping me get organized and prepared for attorney appointments, thank you for helping me build my team of professionals and thank you for saving me tons of money by being my thinking partner during the divorce process."

- Kendra
"Lisa, thank you for asking the right questions, being my beacon of hope I have never felt so seen and so heard."

- K.M.
"I worked with Lisa for over a year. She helped me find clarity around the choice to divorce and through the divorce process. I was referred to Lisa by a friend who highly recommended her. Lisa changed my life, she saved lots of time, energy, heartache and money through my divorce process and beyond. Thank you, Lisa, for being by my side during this very difficult time in my life."

- James
"Lisa, you saved my life, you helped me get through so many very dark days! I have made it through the past year because of you. I am a better Mom because of your love, support and kindness. Thank you, for helping me clear the fog in my head and breathe again!"

- Lisa
"Lisa you walked beside me, you met me where I was at and then helped me dig myself out of the deep trenches of divorce. Your compassion, support and sense of humor got me through a very dark time in my life. I am forever grateful for you and all you have done for me."

- Michelle
"Thank you for understanding, being completely present, and accepting me for who I am and where I am in my life."

- J.B.

Grief Recovery: 8 Week Program

Investment: $1500

Weekly coaching call

Text / Voxer support in between sessions

Hand-picked tools and resources

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